Dienstag, 24. Oktober 2006

More Java exams released

Exam leaders and moderators Serkan Guler, based in the UK and Vitaly Logvynchuk, from the Ukraine released the Java Collections exam.

The Java SE Base API - Basic exam is released by moderators Thomas Schroeder, based in Australia and Jonhnny Weslley, from Brazil.

We thank each of them for dedicated, hard work to make these exams possible.

More Java exams released

Exam leaders and moderators Serkan Guler, based in the UK and Vitaly Logvynchuk, from the Ukraine released the Java Collections exam.

The Java SE Base API - Basic exam is released by moderators Thomas Schroeder, based in Australia and Jonhnny Weslley, from Brazil.

We thank each of them for dedicated, hard work to make these exams possible.

More Java exams released

Exam leaders and moderators Serkan Guler, based in the UK and Vitaly Logvynchuk, from the Ukraine released the Java Collections exam.

The Java SE Base API - Basic exam is released by moderators Thomas Schroeder, based in Australia and Jonhnny Weslley, from Brazil.

We thank each of them for dedicated, hard work to make these exams possible.

More Java exams released

Exam leaders and moderators Serkan Guler, based in the UK and Vitaly Logvynchuk, from the Ukraine released the Java Collections exam.

The Java SE Base API - Basic exam is released by moderators Thomas Schroeder, based in Australia and Jonhnny Weslley, from Brazil.

We thank each of them for dedicated, hard work to make these exams possible.

Montag, 23. Oktober 2006

Bonus Points

A new feature is active on JavaBlackBelt, to help focus contributions.

You probably noticed that when adding a question to the Java SE - Basic exam, you get a discouraging message. This exam contains too many hard questions and we need to slow down the contributions there to ease the manual filtering (question moving).

We also bring a motivating way to focus question authors where it's the most useful: a bonus factor associated with some exams.

For example, most Hibernate exams now have a x2.0 factor to double your contribution points.

Bonus Points

A new feature is active on JavaBlackBelt, to help focus contributions.

You probably noticed that when adding a question to the Java SE - Basic exam, you get a discouraging message. This exam contains too many hard questions and we need to slow down the contributions there to ease the manual filtering (question moving).

We also bring a motivating way to focus question authors where it's the most useful: a bonus factor associated with some exams.

For example, most Hibernate exams now have a x2.0 factor to double your contribution points.

Bonus Points

A new feature is active on JavaBlackBelt, to help focus contributions.

You probably noticed that when adding a question to the Java SE - Basic exam, you get a discouraging message. This exam contains too many hard questions and we need to slow down the contributions there to ease the manual filtering (question moving).

We also bring a motivating way to focus question authors where it's the most useful: a bonus factor associated with some exams.

For example, most Hibernate exams now have a x2.0 factor to double your contribution points.

Donnerstag, 19. Oktober 2006

Spring Core (non Basic) exam released

John Rizzo, from Belgium, released the Spring Core (non basic at all) exam, which gives you 9 knowledge points.

It requires 50 contribution points, and we might temporarily lower this to 0 in a near future.

Spring Core (non Basic) exam released

John Rizzo, from Belgium, released the Spring Core (non basic at all) exam, which gives you 9 knowledge points.

It requires 50 contribution points, and we might temporarily lower this to 0 in a near future.

Spring Core (non Basic) exam released

John Rizzo, from Belgium, released the Spring Core (non basic at all) exam, which gives you 9 knowledge points.

It requires 50 contribution points, and we might temporarily lower this to 0 in a near future.

Mittwoch, 18. Oktober 2006

JavaBlackBelt at J-Fall

Last week JavaBlackBelt gave a talk at J-Fall, organised by the Netherlands Java User Group.

JavaBlackBelt at J-Fall

Last week JavaBlackBelt gave a talk at J-Fall, organised by the Netherlands Java User Group.

JavaBlackBelt at J-Fall

Last week JavaBlackBelt gave a talk at J-Fall, organised by the Netherlands Java User Group.

JavaBlackBelt at J-Fall

Last week JavaBlackBelt gave a talk at J-Fall, organised by the Netherlands Java User Group.

Dienstag, 17. Oktober 2006

Bigger, faster, better

We migrated the platform to a new server. Now there's more bandwidth to make the application run faster.

Since May 2005, the guys behind JavaLobby.org generously hosted JavaBlackBelt.

We'd like to shout out a huge thanks to Rick and Matt for supporting us!

Bigger, faster, better

We migrated the platform to a new server. Now there's more bandwidth to make the application run faster.

Since May 2005, the guys behind JavaLobby.org generously hosted JavaBlackBelt.

We'd like to shout out a huge thanks to Rick and Matt for supporting us!

Bigger, faster, better

We migrated the platform to a new server. Now there's more bandwidth to make the application run faster.

Since May 2005, the guys behind JavaLobby.org generously hosted JavaBlackBelt.

We'd like to shout out a huge thanks to Rick and Matt for supporting us!

Bigger, faster, better

We migrated the platform to a new server. Now there's more bandwidth to make the application run faster.

Since May 2005, the guys behind JavaLobby.org generously hosted JavaBlackBelt.

We'd like to shout out a huge thanks to Rick and Matt for supporting us!

Mittwoch, 11. Oktober 2006

JavaBlackBelt at JAOO 2006

Nicolas and I were given the opportunity to speak at the JAOO conference in Denmark. It was the first time we attended this conference. It was a memorable experience for us that went beyond that "newcomer" sensation. We decided to write some words about it.

JavaBlackBelt at JAOO 2006

Nicolas and I were given the opportunity to speak at the JAOO conference in Denmark. It was the first time we attended this conference. It was a memorable experience for us that went beyond that "newcomer" sensation. We decided to write some words about it.

JavaBlackBelt at JAOO 2006

Nicolas and I were given the opportunity to speak at the JAOO conference in Denmark. It was the first time we attended this conference. It was a memorable experience for us that went beyond that "newcomer" sensation. We decided to write some words about it.

JavaBlackBelt at JAOO 2006

Nicolas and I were given the opportunity to speak at the JAOO conference in Denmark. It was the first time we attended this conference. It was a memorable experience for us that went beyond that "newcomer" sensation. We decided to write some words about it.

Montag, 9. Oktober 2006

TechAnim on The Server Side

A TechAnim authored, by John Rizzo (co-founder of JavaBlackBelt) and Teodor Danciu (of JasperSoft), is published on the TheServerSide.com

TechAnim on The Server Side

A TechAnim authored, by John Rizzo (co-founder of JavaBlackBelt) and Teodor Danciu (of JasperSoft), is published on the TheServerSide.com

TechAnim on The Server Side

A TechAnim authored, by John Rizzo (co-founder of JavaBlackBelt) and Teodor Danciu (of JasperSoft), is published on the TheServerSide.com

TechAnim on The Server Side

A TechAnim authored, by John Rizzo (co-founder of JavaBlackBelt) and Teodor Danciu (of JasperSoft), is published on the TheServerSide.com